User id: 9702231
This is for the Worlds we have mapped....

Player name World Might Alliance
Donna1 464 505,134,640,105
DONNA1 468 317,418,537,158 Host Of Angels
Donna1 472 191,620,846,750 DMC
DonnaC 469 164,061,074,193 TRUTH INC
Donna1 454 32,565,877,088 ThornsOfJustice
DONNA1 445 8,726,396,084 Host Of Angels
Milton 419 783,480,566 Memories of 337
Donna 416 270,354,473 HEROS 2
Donna 428 228,935,636 Bad Karma
Donna 414 167,565,290 School of Hard Knocks
Glory 426 149,699,838 N0 Mercy
Donna 399 121,957,716 HEROS 2
Shortwood 346 116,009,487 SADISTIC DELIRUIM
Milton 424 99,099,685
DonnaC 431 78,387,943 The Only One
Donna 417 77,745,911 Gone Mad
Donna 401 77,705,715 Gone Mad
DonnaC 378 64,515,913 The Only One
DonnaC 411 50,909,034 TRUTH INC
Run_DMC 429 43,861,033 Gone Fishing
Milton 359 41,473,725 Memories of 337
Glory 352 34,148,733 N0 Mercy
Milton 398 32,870,715
Donna 421 30,771,950 The Gates of Hell
DonnaC 434 29,652,345 TRUTH INC
ofTheKnight 354 26,438,829 Our Family
Run_DMC 432 20,820,649
Donna 403 20,701,502 The Gates of Hell
Shortwood 425 18,182,126 In Memory of Chr1s
Run_DMC 364 17,207,334 202 Friends Remembered
Shortwood 351 15,016,376 In Memory of Chr1s
Lurking 371 14,081,981
Run_DMC 368 13,856,634 Memories of 283
Run_DMC 427 13,855,944 Memories of 283
Run_DMC 377 12,095,354 Gone Fishing
Lurking 420 11,568,989
DonnaC 407 11,444,671 KoC Forever
Donna 402 8,418,826 Bad Karma
Halton 367 8,306,449
Shortwood 343 8,288,760
Halton 423 8,010,739
Run_DMC 361 6,255,234
Run_DMC 341 4,605,911
Run_DMC 430 2,906,955 The One
Run_DMC 358 2,501,485 The One
Run_DMC 375 2,255,706 Our House
RunDMC 345 1,673,760
Milton 353 180,763 Busting Ass
DMC 444 49,893 Hard Knocks
DMC 373 45,170
RunDMC 460 4,880 Friends Come First
Run_DMC 363 3,410 Kill da Bunny
D0nna 406 3,010 School Crew
Run_DMC 342 2,940 Kill da Bunny
Donna 458 2,510 Friends Come First
Donna 410 2,130 School Crew
Donna 415 1,900 The One
RunDMC 439 1,510 Friends Comes First
DonnaC 422 1,140 Schools of Many Domains
DonnaC 405 1,140 Schools of Many Domains
Donna1 456 635 Friends Come First
Lurking 350 50