User id: 9169130
This is for the Worlds we have mapped....

Player name World Might Alliance
n0che 469 675,194,349,427 D_NUMANTINA
n0che 462 258,581,704,659
n0che 460 184,155,456,374 HOMBRES DE HONOR
NOCHE 472 78,315,086,370 DEFENSA_NUMANTINA
Noche 450 31,089,115,798 ESTRELLA
NOCHE 434 7,498,438,340 PIONEROS
NOCTURNA 474 3,650,129,110 xxx_XXX_xxx
n0che 440 1,746,716,685 AKELARRES
N0CHE 463 177,226,332 DdraigGoch
Noche 395 2,464,651 n0che
Noche 354 2,401,248 ESTRELLA
Noche 422 2,081,718 ESTRELLA
Noche 442 1,862,759 n0che
n0che 345 61,691
noche 471 60