User id: 9034888
This is for the Worlds we have mapped....

Player name World Might Alliance
fredf5 470 1,960,448,527,163 La_Traversee_De_Koc
dragone 457 136,250,573,529 La_Traversee_De_Koc
fred 435 91,887,313,383 les_pharaons_
Francois5 437 2,583,848,437 BLACK TEMPLARS
fred 383 928,303,648 LES__LAPINOUS
Francois5ypia 381 589,376,546 iiippppaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh
Francois5 300 144,784,323
papounet 382 87,161,737
Francois5ypu8 384 392,323 les chtis 2
zezette 347 335,694 LES RESPECTABLES