User id: 7479145
This is for the Worlds we have mapped....

Player name World Might Alliance
TheShadow 469 830,019,131,102 Dragonmasters
Venomous 464 281,532,009,872 NaturalBornKiller
BOHICA 474 30,199,897,811
Venomous 454 25,605,651,705 DragonsCreed OF BlueKarma
TheShadow 429 16,116,397,843 iMpEnDiNg AtTaCk On YoU
Vanquished1 449 9,370,618,114 Knights of Kilcoy
TheShadow 377 5,468,321,387 Knights Of Avalon Returns
Venomous 427 859,990,847 Karmas Creed
TheShadow 418 65,963,368 Knights of Kilcoy
Shadie 368 47,768,767 Born to Lose
TheShadow 343 30,329,349 NaturalBornKillers