User id: 6976871
This is for the Worlds we have mapped....

Player name World Might Alliance
ThunderWolf 468 979,635,930,467 Black Knights
tmbrwolf69 467 912,922,435,453 The Wolfs Den
Fartimus 472 856,616,690,093
Sheepherder 462 452,448,659,222
Timberwolf 464 412,875,759,715
Wolfman69 463 329,592,210,066
Chaotic69 465 255,538,007,146 Saturday Knighthawks
SheepDog 466 249,357,955,373 Wolfpack
Wolfman 469 184,846,431,163 Gods an Generals
Sheepherder 470 86,300,147,874 Rebels_Rising
Sheepherder 457 70,016,370,163 RealRebelsRock
Sheepherder1 471 65,447,163,732 LEAST_WANTED
ofChaos 449 52,665,920,017 Manic Mayhem
Sheepherder 433 44,506,012,434 Warriors And Renegades
SheepWolf 456 42,025,874,797 Fort Slayer
Tmbrwolf 447 30,762,171,980 Knights of Honor
Timberwolf 435 29,372,298,823 The Chosen Knights
tmbrwolf 454 26,472,250,373 Blue Dragons
ThunderWolf 445 25,127,199,074 Kingdom Of Heaven
Chaotic69 453 21,148,853,252 Saturday Knights
Wolfman69 458 18,189,863,484 Angels of Fire
OftheBooty 450 16,361,206,469 Freedom Fighters
Sheepherder 460 16,148,096,581 Rebels Forever
SheepDog 439 7,248,756,303 JAWS
tmbrwolf69 444 6,555,837,749 The Wolfs Den
sheepherder 451 3,460,939,952 Vendetta Booties
Wolfman 434 1,463,980,962 NO Surrender
tmbrwolf 427 1,344,872,542 Blue Dragons
Wolfpack 432 658,755,094 Siblings in Arms
Chaotic69 424 219,567,627 Death Cometh
tmbrwolf69 341 185,761,010 The Wolfs Den
Jack_R_abbit 353 163,982,060
sheepherder 352 140,242,491 DySfunKsHunaL family
Chaotic69 369 115,691,128 Nemesis
ofChaos 343 109,764,641 The Highlanders
tmbrwolf 364 107,169,583 NWO