User id: 6680542
This is for the Worlds we have mapped....

Player name World Might Alliance
_BABE_ 472 2,053,766,938,627 Lawless
TeeCee 462 1,825,786,396,593 The_Crazies
thiefschief 467 871,561,045,508 Braveheart
thiefschief 470 807,037,809,114
TeeCee 468 362,084,816,810
LICK 469 330,317,487,830
ThiefsChief 465 328,188,599,289 Black_Company
EVILTC 471 325,849,208,603 PUNKANDBULL
ThiefsChief 464 255,881,080,504
ThiefsChief 473 250,126,474,457 Misfits
Gams 466 216,959,875,995
Dobby 463 159,808,236,166 Psych Ward
Babe_ 474 153,639,336,050 LAWLESS 466 472
lilbunnyfoofoo 439 11,489,534,909 Forsaken Knights
thiefschief 452 5,455,448,382 Braveheart
LICK 434 1,119,153,050 Lucky 4 Life
TEEcee 449 921,662,256 12345
Rollit 413 429,318,263 the rebels
Tw3nk13T03s 451 337,071,236
thiefschief 420 299,973,835 Braveheart
TEEcee 418 83,956,139
TEEcee 343 83,569,839
Tw3nk13T03s 423 50,867,706
Tw3nk13T03s 408 47,257,525
thiefschief 371 34,402,602
TEECEE 372 28,855,215
vodka_6680542 368 24,150,815 FLIPPING YOUR WILDS FOR F
Giggity 356 23,738,436
Rollit 415 21,528,635
SHROOMs 370 11,540,722
TeeCee 447 10,760,126
TeeCee 416 10,669,614
TeeCee 364 10,641,900
SERGEASTORMS 351 10,277,947
TEECEE 345 8,794,406 LEGIONIS
iiiiiiiiiiidnoi 373 8,486,639
RonPaul4Pres 352 7,070,003
vantassledude 377 6,673,810
iiiiiiiiiii 369 3,718,871
GRIMBLE 353 1,367,976