User id: 6056110
This is for the Worlds we have mapped....

Player name World Might Alliance
_JAVO_ 468 1,236,467,030,503 MISTIC0S DRAG0NES
javotpch 441 47,702,907,453 FRIENDS OF TOWER
javotpch 442 11,146,609,995 MISTICOS DRAGONES
javotpch 397 1,979,789,882 CABALLEROS_DE_LA_NOCHE
javotpch 393 1,022,590,793 FRIENDS OF TOWER
Rokambole 395 111,446,353 Locos de la Kabena
Rokambole 396 44,304,292
ROKAMBOLE 345 21,479,859 LA CA1DA_d3_G0ND0R