User id: 5522820
This is for the Worlds we have mapped....

Player name World Might Alliance
Anita 467 2,504,735,057 Molon_Labe
honey 473 1,810,539,155 Revolution
honey 465 1,120,573,843 Revolution
Vivien 462 952,334,305 Black Knight
Katrina 469 620,497,375 Still_Wanted
nicennaughty 464 412,671,349 The Third Eye
Anita 444 366,087,049 Swords of Avalon
Katrina 449 265,431,953 Unholy Trinity
katriana 447 232,064,307 pearl of heart
notmyfault 466 226,536,898 The Devils Rejects
Katrina 418 207,577,795 Unholy Trinity
nicennaughty 454 188,878,812 The Third Eye
honey 451 177,379,673 Revolution
Vivien 415 158,564,177 gone shooting
morgana 453 150,286,684 GUARDIANS OF EXCALIBUR
Katrina 340 139,571,308 The Boondock Saints
Guineviere 343 118,160,702 Athenas Wrath
nicennaughty 427 110,828,642 The Third Eye
honey 426 101,537,607 raiders stronghold Elite
katriana 419 88,415,672 FrenchToastMafia
nicennaughty 368 86,048,557 The Third Eye
guineviere 425 80,713,907 GUARDIANS OF EXCALIBUR
guineviere 372 75,073,445 GUARDIANS OF EXCALIBUR
honey 376 65,525,223 raiders stronghold Elite
morgana 424 56,530,920 BIKERS
katriana 359 50,164,945 FrenchToastMafia
Lancaster 423 48,376,959 Modern Warfare
notmyfaultagaim 474 47,636,075
morgana 369 41,163,761 BIKERS
NewLord61252 373 38,235,264
Anita 341 36,999,780 Knights__Templar
morguese 374 26,533,036 Knights of Qi
bountifull 352 19,695,884 home
Lancaster 408 7,207,652