User id: 5502622
This is for the Worlds we have mapped....

Player name World Might Alliance
Jeff 472 1,268,871,047,626
Jeff 467 714,042,898,171
OpusX 462 170,934,199,580
Opus_X 452 142,003,000,081 Extreme Pirates Sinners
OpusX 460 137,279,612,675
jeff 465 53,840,329,860
Michaelthestud 420 9,105,549,892 Extreme Pirates Sinners
michaelthestud 371 2,911,436,883 Extreme Pirates Sinners
mTs 372 86,731,654
hagen 365 20,452,990
bigmike 408 6,956,561
Mike3hi7z 367 2,721,575
theforgotten 368 191,423
standingoak 362 176,635 USC VIP
opusx59 471 50
OpusX 445 50