User id: 2034214
This is for the Worlds we have mapped....

Player name World Might Alliance
GrifletDeDieu 473 1,436,444,716,477 Den_Of_Thieves
Kinzie 464 1,427,419,742,087 DragonsCreed of BlueKarma
Righteous 467 1,384,894,580,308 Celtic Independence
GrifletDeDieu 465 1,204,073,576,812 Den_Of_Thieves
Righteous 444 29,989,360,900 Celtic Independence
GrifletDeDieu 451 22,794,922,548 DEADBEATSURVIVES
Kinzie 427 2,277,604,693 9th Dragon Legion
Righteous 373 453,715,522 Celtic Revolution
GrifletDeDieu 423 444,546,723 Devilish Insanity
Kinzie 374 278,128,214 The Roman Empire Alliance
GrifletDeDieu 408 22,926,133 Devilish Insanity