User id: 18659886
This is for the Worlds we have mapped....

Player name World Might Alliance
cavour 472 1,534,151,902,106 AllianceofHOPE1
Conagher 463 1,248,321,385,651 RISK
eagleyes 469 688,473,630,432 Rogue
eagleyes2 467 685,049,114,446 Old_Dogs_Knight
ottoman 471 679,839,645,760 SlackersUnited
eagleyes2 444 116,582,337,003 WE ARE KINGS
Pirate 474 95,470,884,452 Pirate Bay
eagleyes 449 49,945,789,941 Manic Mayhem
eagleyes 362 9,746,556 Waifs and Strays
eagleyes449 446 93,308 all inn