User id: 18095323
This is for the Worlds we have mapped....

Player name World Might Alliance
JR_Barbosa 469 352,030,650,946
JRBarbosa 472 60,520,506,050
PunkYou 454 9,214,585,760
Robben 421 6,169,109,324 LA ULTIMA LEGION
Islington 403 2,147,483,647 PHOENIX RESURECTION
noob367 404 708,935 LA ULTIMA LEGION
PunkYou 460 140,047
NBK 445 4,560 bounty hunters
noob367 362 500
NBK 444 80
noob367 413 75
PunkYou 456 75
NBKsucker 389 50
JuniorB 347 50
noob367 402 50
noob367 414 50
noob367 415 50
NeerdGirl 304 50
okokkk 439 50
noob367 376 50
noob367 405 50
noob367 406 50
noob367 407 50
noob367 409 50
noob367 410 0
noob367 411 0