User id: 16615850
This is for the Worlds we have mapped....

Player name World Might Alliance
ovasensei 468 807,095,713,000
ovasensei 462 493,782,659,938 HOMBRES DE HONOR
OVASENSEI 472 425,435,468,424
ovasensei 473 326,500,778,370
ovasensei 463 323,785,709,334 EL GRIAL
ovasensei 465 320,120,725,970
ovasensei 467 274,624,795,717
LORDovasensei 464 250,235,697,951 HISPANIA DE REYES
ovasensei 470 188,768,118,591 El Grial
ovasensei 466 122,478,274,989 EL GRIAL
ovasensei 448 118,089,168,574 KAMAI
ovasensei 451 109,025,012,303 DEADBEATSURVIVES
ovasensei 471 79,167,204,358 EL GRIAL
ovasensei 439 67,773,963,159 EL GRIAL
ovasensei 452 62,501,560,706 SIN
ovasensei 456 44,708,303,274 Dinastia_Guerrera
ovasensei 441 42,267,168,429 EL GRIAL
ovasensei1 455 27,254,354,275
ovasensei 454 11,274,166,564
ovasensei 426 6,683,741,146 Hombres de honor
perroviejo 417 6,425,860,729 AMANECER EN CAMELOT
ovasensei 420 5,778,893,891 GUERREROS SURVIVORS
ovasensei 352 2,552,385,226 Hombres de honor
ovasensei1 431 1,484,673,636 HISPANOS INMORTALES
ovasensei 429 1,276,501,488 KAMAI
oasensei 444 985,011,679 YO SOLO
alfy 360 956,336,109 KAMAI
alfy 393 597,433,919 _GUERREROS_SURVIVORS_
antiguo 453 209,754,185
ovasensei 440 168,586,836 Dioses del Olimpo
alfy 391 71,999,792 The Risen
ovasensei 392 53,958,707
ovasensei451 446 16,681,876 Hispanos y Latinos
ovasensei 427 12,350,957
Ovasensei 394 7,407,537
ovasensei 442 5,713,076
Osvaldoshijan 397 5,672,921
ovasensei 374 2,108,025
antiguo 424 3,965
Perroviejo 376 2,015
oasensei 373 2,015
antiguo 366 2,015
alfy 308 1,880
ovasensei 458 120