User id: 16402500
This is for the Worlds we have mapped....

Player name World Might Alliance
_RammsTein 466 911,291,222,121 Macro_Confligo
Rammstein 463 385,247,297,166 Mm_Warriors_Utd
cienfuegos 469 318,278,133,550 DEMONSxREQUIEM
'Rammstein 304 167,385,861,729 micromacro
cienfuegos 449 143,870,534,704 DEMON KNIGHTS OF PHOENIX
ramm 472 139,210,610,385
Rammstein 458 103,251,296,615 MicroMacroUnited
ramm 471 27,430
cin 415 4,233
cin 433 545 spy
ciun 440 50
cion 444 50
cian 439 50
cin 435 50