User id: 16089730
This is for the Worlds we have mapped....

Player name World Might Alliance
Princeofdarknes 468 706,442,061,102 usmc
Godfather 470 278,349,522,255 retired military
Godfather 471 205,661,657,845 I GUIARDIANS NIGHT
Gysgt_Gp 462 179,822,312,069 Wicked MisFits
Godfather 455 114,822,665,808 retired military
GYSGTGP 474 62,483,374,659 SEMPER FI
godfather 430 13,377,423,023 The Renaissance Gate
godfather 358 3,728,137,348 The Renaissance Gate
Princeofdarknes 445 1,308,341,296
GodFather1 353 20,693,571 SPECTRE
godfather1 373 15,188,540
GODFATHER1 400 15,081,013