User id: 15947505
This is for the Worlds we have mapped....

Player name World Might Alliance
xox 472 1,363,040,035,639 Lawless
xox 463 274,123,464,823 I GRAVI
xox 468 206,140,840,080
xox 464 196,940,846,050
xox 458 128,203,613,309 I GRAVI
xox 466 56,820,252,060
xox472 474 55,897,386,880
xox 469 18,306,513,980
xox 438 10,741,075,293 I GRAVI
salvatore79 387 2,426,209,626 ONORE AI CADUTI
xox 465 486,481,188
xox 473 486,481,188
xox 471 51,440
xoxx 410 6,815 xxxx
xox 470 75
xoxk 467 60
xox 462 50