User id: 1592371
This is for the Worlds we have mapped....

Player name World Might Alliance
Blush 464 451,001,082,829 The Lake
IrishKelly 466 123,378,979,864
Deanne 465 99,823,814,680 DeviantWarriors
Deanne 473 76,463,666,680 DeviantWarriors
Lessa 469 62,863,614,766
ICEWIND 472 29,097,478,868
LadyLessa 448 17,743,881,586 Triarii prime
Abbegail 455 4,147,512,623 loyalty
Lessa 416 2,131,442,709
IrishKelly 445 1,981,185,735
Abbegail 430 848,282,298 loyalty
Blush 454 608,435,494 The Lake
Lessa 427 343,868,788
Lessa 424 329,019,378 LETS GET THEM
BlueLady 420 310,941,356 Pride N Glory
Lessa 449 279,762,824 Jedi Knights
IrishKelly 439 260,141,250 Brotherhood of Assassins
Deline 429 213,748,597
Lessa 418 200,260,824 lonestar Dragoons
Lessa 447 172,920,510
Abbigail 422 148,071,164
Lessa 370 104,403,828 In Transition
Abbigail 356 96,360,053 Fire Storm
Lessa 425 95,341,469 Dreaming Dragons
Lessa 368 94,250,552 Dragon Seekers II
BlueLady 371 91,851,822 Pride N Glory
Lessa 364 83,201,514 The Original Barbers
Lessa 343 75,317,161 International strike forc
DragonLily 359 58,586,322
DragonLily 419 54,017,144
Deanne 431 50,572,976
Lessa 421 25,959,049
Lessa 362 11,352,154
Deanne 413 10,124,056 Soaring Eagles
Fanny 346 6,982,606 The New Crew
Lessa 355 5,306,379 Dreaming Dragons
Lessa 366 5,299,137 LETS GET THEM
Abbegail 358 4,098,828 loyalty
Tilly 398 24,975