User id: 1537108
This is for the Worlds we have mapped....

Player name World Might Alliance
Chance20 470 3,224,093,472,946 _SPARTANS_
Chance 469 2,556,439,400,517 The Discordians
Chance2 472 2,367,236,443,947 'Cheshire_Cats'
Chance3322 471 1,660,620,204,959 outbackraiders
Chance3322 465 1,444,185,955,515 RootsRiders
BooBoo 452 91,462,056,187
Chance 474 64,739,766,786
Chance 468 3,953,249,938 _WARMONGERS_
LL2032 427 195,646,860
BooBoo20 408 96,713,950 Glory Hunters
Lisa9qfi7 358 54,256,750
Arista 354 12,380,147
Trace 361 10,302,380
Breezy 363 7,248,158 ShadowsGuild
Gabby20 357 7,116,012 Dragon Slayers
LL2032 374 6,959,510
BooBoo20 406 460
BooBoo20 404 90
Chance 434 50