User id: 15328691
This is for the Worlds we have mapped....

Player name World Might Alliance
Ariadne 464 450,418,713,161 OompahOompah
Ophelia 462 364,814,840,289 Trolling Giants
Zixt 472 293,408,939,046 Scowling Monkeys
Rapunzel 463 255,006,350,484 Slow Djinn Phiz
Hellfigin 467 163,372,131,059 Ould Towne Silvers
Kronos 468 125,495,276,647 Mystical Manticores
Zephina 465 107,922,578,511 Eternal Life Elites
Greatheart 470 86,155,692,113 Kalathump
Squall 471 73,032,647,297 Lazy Old Men
Vulpania 466 70,149,432,445 Green Dragons
Jonquil 469 52,019,046,384 Loch Ness Beasties
Valeric 460 36,459,539,560 Trolling Giants
Grondal 456 12,089,219,106 Mystical Manticores
Weymouth 434 1,458,679,213 Loch Ness Beasties
Azendre 426 1,362,411,366 Knotty Knights
Nosferatu 432 920,472,443 Shhhhhhh
Crogghill 424 795,707,745 Wroth of God
VladtheImpaler 419 47,160,195 Eternal Life Elites
Qwigg 414 43,966,809 White Phosphorus
Nosferatu 365 10,566,019 Shhhhhhh
VladtheImpaler 359 9,462,000 Eternal Life Elites
SilverHammer 427 6,777,741 Troglodites of Narn
Zyvaques 458 3,886,482 Slow Djinn Phiz
Vingtrix 352 3,482,248 Goths of War
Azendre 376 2,979,638 Knotty Knights
Asphodel 415 2,090,509 Kreepy Kritters
Vosgrin 341 1,294,897 Slice n Dice
Rhyxx 373 763,104 Thugs of Thraxx
Crogghill 398 642,285 Wroth of God
Rubithorn 353 612,010 Minions of Hades
Weymouth 411 545,699 Loch Ness Beasties
SilverHammer 374 522,756 Troglodites of Narn
Silvereye 416 358,881 Swords of Silver
Silvereye 399 357,561 Swords of Silver
Phlacque 435 306,475 OompahOompah
Grendal 439 254,771 Green Dragons
Balkrag 454 214,930 Bashing Pumpkins
Djumdril 410 196,295 Djum Djum Warriors
Voltrand 409 81,506 Dragon Wranglers