User id: 15315867
This is for the Worlds we have mapped....

Player name World Might Alliance
hermosaDmendoza 463 1,492,014,620,150 CAV_TEMPLARI
Outlander' 472 1,240,577,792,066 AllianceofHOPE1
annabella 441 66,477,831,125 CAVALIERI TEMPLARI
JUEZ 456 11,220,183,938
Annabella 433 1,991,620,202 Wolpertinger
annabella 394 1,027,662,919 Lebasi
Eos 345 3,058,629 CazadoresCeltasDeTaranis
atenea 398 502,444 IL MONTE OLIMPO
Annabella 308 13,047 Wolpertinger