User id: 13507994
This is for the Worlds we have mapped....

Player name World Might Alliance
Von_Paulus 463 2,737,579,238,510 Super Cani Sciolti
KAZZANIGA 472 242,351,188,270
Von_Paulus 465 188,246,579,144 TARTARIA
paolusdestroy 458 172,094,380,758 Super Cani Sciolti
kabamladri 467 168,278,299,193 TARTARIA
Paolusdestroy 470 166,770,746,340
Paolusdestroy 469 62,820,330,060
cmp 433 25,560,506,460
paolusdestroy 438 13,274,578,692 Super Cani Sciolti
Von_Paulus 473 4,586,082,944 TARTARIA
noce 418 80,169,705 SOTTO LO STESSO RANGE ACC
cmp 440 13,002,160
kabamladri 348 7,328,319 IL TERRORE DI CAMELOT
ariesnew 376 5,074,656 Dirty Rotten Scoundrels
ariesnew 451 5,043,156 Dirty Rotten Scoundrels
ariesnew 426 5,040,876 Dirty Rotten Scoundrels
Paolo88z64 386 3,074,174 ACCADEMIA DELLE TENEBRE
noce 343 2,281,371 SOTTO LO STESSO RANGE ACC
paulnew 416 264,083 jonterry jon brigade
paulnew 364 258,583 jonterry jon brigade
paolusdestroyer 410 135,100 il terrore di caval
Paolo69 304 37,643
Paolo69 466 36,830 SOLO IO
megadistruttore 425 21,455 The_Legion_of_Doom
megadistruttore 355 21,455 The_Legion_of_Doom
PAX 415 15,290
PDY 460 1,490
pax 400 400
pax 340 310
pax 352 310
pax 341 300
pax 444 90
Paolusdestroy 468 70
cmp 435 60
pax 445 60
Pax 454 60
cmp 456 60
Paolusdestroy 462 60
cmp 443 60
CMP 389 60
aug 471 60
PaolusDestroy 464 60
cmp 439 60
AAAH 413 50