User id: 12365009
This is for the Worlds we have mapped....

Player name World Might Alliance
BringToJustice 463 577,016,376,327
Brilliant 462 421,879,387,447 The brilliant ones
TroopsBeGone 464 298,214,333,262
BringToJustice 467 231,750,966,300
Wish 465 191,799,804,826
BringToJustice 466 170,781,052,803
AndrewOfNorway 433 162,161,575,025 Mercenaries of Mayhem
Wish 473 130,263,049,426
BringToJustice 469 66,907,556,307
ofrevenge 470 56,619,458,866
BringToJustice 471 11,778,412,204 SwordsOfJustice
clarkewood 374 1,828,185 Wraith
BringToJustice 468 66,125