User id: 12265511
This is for the Worlds we have mapped....

Player name World Might Alliance
Cecidit_Angelus 473 2,881,039,640,877 Den_Of_Thieves
Cecidit_Angelus 465 2,338,959,149,996 Den_Of_Thieves
RougueKnight67 470 1,855,932,545,367 TheFallenOnes
Maniacthethird 472 341,859,829,356 PirateHope
Machiaveli 467 290,777,030,678 The Grande Alliance
Cecidit_Angelus 451 220,255,834,195 Kingdom of Thrones
Cecidit_Angelus 426 24,170,722,451 Morituri te salutamus
RougueKnight67 448 18,706,344,333 Silver Knights
Machiaveli 452 10,657,853,213 The Grande Alliance
RougueKnight67 429 7,545,992,725 Le Grande Alliance
Machiaveli 420 1,101,089,874 The Grande Alliance
RougueKnight67 377 203,241,675 Le Grande Alliance
Machiaveli 345 110,657,763 The Grande Alliance
Alpha 474 4,830,805