User id: 10799851
This is for the Worlds we have mapped....

Player name World Might Alliance
I_Am_Legend 467 867,555,579,690 Ronins_Revenge
LoneWolf1 464 429,111,629,282 Camelots Best
LoneWolf 463 254,086,068,592 Arthur 1
Angelus_Mortis 466 239,754,374,672 Ronins_Revenge
Angelus_Mortis 433 158,257,194,391 Camelots Best
LegendOfCamelot 471 156,349,684,045 Legends Of Camelot
LoneWolf 462 141,771,038,372 Ronins Revenge
Downton 468 108,693,966,459 Downton Abbey
IchBinLegend 444 28,813,205,476 Ich bin legendar
IAmLegend 434 20,521,852,615 Legends of Camelot
LoneWolf 460 701,416,360 Ronins Revenge
IAmLegend 469 456,043,908 Legends of Camelot
First_Knight 372 97,759,503
OnceWas 403 94,486,340 Camelots Best
ofGod 364 78,957,319 Sweet_And_Sassy
ImFoundWasBlind 406 68,286,334
Lovie 407 59,281,222 RoninsRevenge
Clareese 402 45,748,226 Bad Karma
LoneWolf 458 41,871,382 Arthur 1
Cortana 373 28,768,944 Halo Force
Crush 410 11,696,312 Honor Above All
GodsGirl 370 10,911,177
Guinevere1 343 6,966,284
LovesGod 367 6,961,569 League of Tokers
LaRene 369 5,914,440
Gwen333 345 3,918,596 Dream Catcher
Giana 359 3,455,259
CamelotsQueen 352 2,943,502 Heavens Assault
GodsGirl 368 1,190,444
OnceWas 445 997,054
Lovie 454 133,562 Camelots Best
Desdemona 365 90,296
Lovie 399 88,474
Downton 456 70,855 Downton Abbey
LoneW0lf 439 65,038
LoneWolf1 435 40,050
LadyOfTheSnow 376 29,703
Lovie 354 20,952 1Ronins Revenge
LaughsAllot 340 12,725 The Funny Farm
QueenOfCameloy 341 12,530
WasLostButNowIm 363 300