User id: 10031151
This is for the Worlds we have mapped....

Player name World Might Alliance
xxxxxxxxx 462 805,286,902,512 xxxxxxxxx
M4HMUT 472 747,216,171,577
M4HMUT 473 369,191,448,130
M4HMUT 459 279,467,642,680 PAYITAHT
M4HMUT 465 185,550,900,770
M4HMUT 471 88,972,392,350
M4HMUT 464 74,610,528,050
M4HMUT 466 56,820,252,050
M4HMUT 467 47,810,215,640
M4HMUT 463 30,010,132,490
M4HMUT 470 29,970,144,050
M4HMUT 469 549,401,920
M4HMUT 388 11,263,153 __KinqTurKs__
KingArtur06 345 690
MAHMUT 415 200 sewdammm
M4HMUT 468 50